git-core- "man git-clone" says: <directory> ... Cloning into an existing directory is not allowed. but in practice git doesn't conform to this: [ivan@dell git]$ mkdir repo [ivan@dell git]$ cd repo [ivan@dell repo]$ git init Initialized empty Git repository in /space/ivan/OUT/bugreports/ALT/git/repo/.git/ [ivan@dell repo]$ echo a > a [ivan@dell repo]$ git add a [ivan@dell repo]$ git commit -m 'Initial.' [master (root-commit) 52dfade] Initial. 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) create mode 100644 a [ivan@dell repo]$ mkdir ../existing [ivan@dell repo]$ git clone . ../existing/ Initialized empty Git repository in /space/ivan/OUT/bugreports/ALT/git/existing/.git/ [ivan@dell repo]$ cd ../existing/ [ivan@dell existing]$ git status # On branch master nothing to commit (working directory clean) [ivan@dell existing]$
Contrastingly, git-core- from 4.1 adheres to the documentation.
Cloning into an existing empty directory is allowed since v1.6.2 (commit 55892d23981917aefdb387ad7d0429f90cbd446a), this change was documented in v1.6.3.1 (commit ec00d6e0038e030cf73182374e21025c2776cb23).
Let's say it's fixed.