+++ This bug was initially created as a clone of Bug #18271 +++ The 4.1 Desktop installer at the stages "7/15 Установка ..." and "10/15 Дополнительные пакеты" doesn't display discriptions of packages being installed. This is a pity. In former times, at least the summary used to be displayed. This makes the screen less boring and gives some information for the newbies as to what kind of components there are. I suggest to show the summaries of packages during the installation.
В 4.1/branch исправления не будут вноситься уже технически (заглушена очередь на сборку), поэтому прошу ошибки, актуальные для sisyphus/p7/t7, перевесить на текущие ветки или сизиф.