It seems that beekeeper tracks packages by name though it should use NAME-VERSION-RELEASE. for example, jbossas is reported to be not rebuildable for 3 weeks, while it is one week old. I still will broke and repair jbossas many times in the future during the process of other packages updating so I fear beekeeper will mistakenly report it broken for 12 weeks and will try to kill it. ----------------------------------------- Subject: jbossas-0:4.2.3-alt3_24jpp6: Sisyphus/x86_64 test rebuild failed [3] Package: jbossas-0:4.2.3-alt3_24jpp6 Status: Sisyphus/x86_64 test rebuild failed Cannot build this package for 3 week(s). Please investigate.
опять вылезла проблема. beekeeper по старой памяти уже три дня пытается убить gmaven, например, сегодня [#74431] FAILED del=gmaven хотя это свежая пятничная сборка alt3_3jpp6.
Давно исправлено.