The man-page for grep writes: --line-buffering Use line buffering, it can be a performance penality. But grep --help says: --line-buffered flush output on every line At least, the spelling is different. (And the description in the man-page is not as descriptive as in `grep --help\': I don\'t understand the man-page\'s description of the option, but I do inderstand the other.) --- $ grep --line-buffering a grep: unrecognized option `--line-buffering\' Usage: grep [OPTION]... PATTERN [FILE]... Try `grep --help\' for more information. --- rpm -qf /usr/share/man/man1/grep.1.bz2 grep-2.5.1-alt0.2.cvs
fixed в grep-2.5.1-alt0.3.cvs