Bug 25100 - [FR] nice statusbar out-of-box
Summary: [FR] nice statusbar out-of-box
Status: NEW
Alias: None
Product: Sisyphus
Classification: Development
Component: screen (show other bugs)
Version: unstable
Hardware: all Linux
: P3 enhancement
Assignee: Nobody's working on this, feel free to take it
QA Contact: qa-sisyphus
Depends on:
Reported: 2011-02-17 10:52 MSK by Michael Shigorin
Modified: 2011-02-17 10:52 MSK (History)
0 users

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Description Michael Shigorin 2011-02-17 10:52:54 MSK
Рутинно растаскиваю по хостам и контейнерам ~/.screenrc, содержащий в т.ч.:

caption always "%{+b rk}%H%{gk} |%c %{yk}%d.%m.%Y | %72=Load: %l %{wk}"

Предлагаю заценить и внести в /etc/screenrc пакета ;-)