+++ This bug was initially created as a clone of Bug #26094 +++ kdirstat-2.5.3-alt3 After installing kdirstat-2.5.3-alt3 in Simply Linux beta 2011-08-10, there is no corresopnding entry in the menu in Xfce. (Comparing it to gnome-disk-usage-2.32.0-alt2, which does have a menu entry as wanted, we see: $ rpm -q gnome-disk-usage -l | fgrep .desktop /usr/share/applications/baobab.desktop $ rpm -q kdirstat -l | fgrep .desktop /usr/share/applnk/Utilities/kdirstat.desktop $ Is one of the locations not valid, and that is the reason why the menu entry doesn't appear?..)
kdirstat больше нет в сизифе. qdirstat указанной ошибки не содержит.