In the Xfce menu in Simply Linux beta 2011-08-11, there is an entry "Privilege granting preferences" ("Настройки" > "Предоставление привилегий"; gksu-properties from libgksu-2.0.12-alt4 is actually run). I have chosen "sudo", but this has no real effect on the system: when calling ALTLinux Control Center or synaptic from the menu, still root's password is asked, rather than this is done via sudo. (I'm allowed to sudo.) It would be convenient to make it possible to select "sudo" as the effective way of getting the root's privileges in the menu when needed (it would be useful for those users who are allowed to sudo).
Ошибка переведена на релиз-менеджера Simply Linux.
They use consolehelper, not sudo. So this preference will not take effect for these programs.