RPM: XFree86-4.3.0-alt0.42.i586.rpm I\'ve downloaded this package with apt-get with others required packages. Installation passed OK, but when I tried to run X-Window system by executing \'startx\' I\'ve got error message (smth like this): This is a pre-release version of XFree86 ... ... Couldn\'t find any of required files: XFree86 XFree86 displays Then I\'ve looked into the RPM-packege and found out, that there is only dead symlink named \'X\' to \'XFree86\' (there was no \'XFree86\' in that package) --- ---
Raised severity and priority. Binary package \"XFree86\" should be disbanded ASAP.
unable to duplicate, please test again
Please read bug description before resolving.
- %_x11bindir/startx and %_x11bindir/X moved to XFree86-server package