2017-06-09 17:52:07.297444 [ERR] sofia.c:3146 Error Creating SIP UA for profile: internal (sip:mod_sofia@;transport=udp,tcp) ATTEMPT 2 (RETRY IN 5 SEC) 2017-06-09 17:52:12.297429 [ERR] sofia.c:3146 Error Creating SIP UA for profile: internal (sip:mod_sofia@;transport=udp,tcp) ATTEMPT 3 (RETRY IN 5 SEC) 2017-06-09 17:52:12.297429 [ERR] sofia.c:3156 Error Creating SIP UA for profile: internal (sip:mod_sofia@;transport=udp,tcp) The likely causes for this are: 1) Another application is already listening on the specified address. 2) The IP the profile is attempting to bind to is not local to this system. Судя по всему, не может сделать bind на ipv4. IP родной, порт 5060 не занят.
Дело secure websocket <param name="wss-binding" value=":7443"/>
Нужно начать было с генерации ключей. по идее после генерации ключей websocket должен заработать