Есть мнение, что выпадать будет в любом случае, если тип одного из полей нестандартный (не проверялось).
Created attachment 323 [details] Quick'n'Dirty исправление Ошибочная ситуация была найдена нашим разработчиком Иваном Евдокимовым. Я в этом ни разу не разбираюсь, если нужен testcase - mailto evdokimov at immo dot ru.
Hi, this patch was applied (with extra parens removed) in perl-DBD-Pg-1.31-alt3. Of course it would be nice to have a testcase. Unfortunately I'm not a PostgreSQL user, and I started build this package because it was rather unmaintained. Can't you ask Ivan to contact DBD-Pg maintainers with his testcase? DBD::Pg says: The current maintainers may be reached through the 'dbdpg-general' mailing list: http://gborg.postgresql.org/mailman/listinfo/dbdpg-general This list is available through Gmane (http://www.gmane.org) as a newsgroup with the name: "gmane.comp.db.postgresql.dbdpg" I resolve the bug so far.
This seems to be fixed upstream (DBD-Pg-1.32, released a few hours ago, a lot of bugfixes).