Bug 34954 - logrotate не обрабатывает /var/log/pveproxy/access.log
Summary: logrotate не обрабатывает /var/log/pveproxy/access.log
Status: NEW
Alias: None
Product: Sisyphus
Classification: Development
Component: pve-manager (show other bugs)
Version: unstable
Hardware: all Linux
: P3 normal
Assignee: Alexey Shabalin
QA Contact: qa-sisyphus
Depends on:
Reported: 2018-05-28 15:58 MSK by Bolshedvorsky Evgeny
Modified: 2019-10-17 11:01 MSK (History)
4 users (show)

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Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Bolshedvorsky Evgeny 2018-05-28 15:58:31 MSK
considering log /var/log/pveproxy/access.log
error: skipping "/var/log/pveproxy/access.log" because parent directory has insecure permissions (it's group writable and has no sticky bit set); consider using "su" directive in config file to tell logrotate which user/group should be used for rotation.
Comment 1 Valery Inozemtsev 2019-10-17 11:01:08 MSK
не воспроизводится