Bug 39635 - OpenJDK 8u282 Released
Summary: OpenJDK 8u282 Released
Alias: None
Product: Sisyphus
Classification: Development
Component: java-1.8.0-openjdk (show other bugs)
Version: unstable
Hardware: x86_64 Linux
: P5 normal
Assignee: Andrey Cherepanov
QA Contact: qa-sisyphus
URL: https://mail.openjdk.java.net/piperma...
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Reported: 2021-02-02 14:31 MSK by Andrey Cherepanov
Modified: 2021-02-04 14:47 MSK (History)
2 users (show)

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Description Andrey Cherepanov 2021-02-02 14:31:30 MSK
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Comment 1 Repository Robot 2021-02-04 14:47:33 MSK
java-1.8.0-openjdk-0: -> sisyphus:

 Wed Feb 03 2021 Andrey Cherepanov <cas@altlinux> 0:
 - New version (ALT #39635)
 - Require ca-trust-java instead of ca-trust (ALT #35690)
 - Package nss.cfg
 - Security fixes since
   + JDK-8247619 Improve Direct Buffering of Characters
   + CVE-2020-14779 Enhance support of Proxy class.
   + CVE-2020-14781 Enhanced LDAP contexts.
   + CVE-2020-14782 Enhance certificate processing.
   + CVE-2020-14792 Better range handling.
   + CVE-2020-14796 Improved URI Support.
   + CVE-2020-14797 Better Path Validation.
   + CVE-2020-14798 Enhanced buffer support.
   + CVE-2020-14803 Improved Buffer supports.
   + CVE-2020-14779 Enhance support of Proxy class
   + CVE-2020-14781 Enhanced LDAP contexts
   + CVE-2020-14782 Enhance certificate processing
   + CVE-2020-14792 Better range handling
   + CVE-2020-14796 Improved URI Support
   + CVE-2020-14797 Better Path Validation
   + CVE-2020-14798 Enhanced buffer support
   + CVE-2020-14803 Improved Buffer supports
   + CVE-2020-14579 NullPointerException in DerValue.equals(DerValue)
   + CVE-2020-14578 NegativeArraySizeException in sun.security.util.DerInputStream.getUnalignedBitString()
   + CVE-2020-14556 Better ForkJoinPool behavior
   + CVE-2020-14577 Enhance certificate verification
   + CVE-2020-14581 Better matrix operations
   + CVE-2020-14583 Better Buffer support
   + CVE-2020-14593 Less Affine Transformations
   + CVE-2020-14621 Better XML namespace handling
   + CVE-2020-2754 Forward references to Nashorn
   + CVE-2020-2755 Improve Nashorn matching
   + CVE-2020-2756 Better mapping of serial ENUMs
   + CVE-2020-2757 Less Blocking Array Queues
   + CVE-2020-2773 Better signatures in XML
   + CVE-2020-2781 Improve TLS session handling
   + CVE-2020-2800 Better Headings for HTTP Servers
   + CVE-2020-2803 Enhance buffering of byte buffers
   + CVE-2020-2805 Enhance typing of methods
   + CVE-2020-2830 Better Scanner conversions
   + CVE-2019-2933 Windows file handling redux.
   + CVE-2019-2945 Better socket support.
   + CVE-2019-2949 Better Kerberos ccache handling.
   + CVE-2019-2958 Build Better Processes.
   + CVE-2019-2964 Better support for patterns.
   + CVE-2019-2962 Better Glyph Images.
   + CVE-2019-2973 Better pattern compilation.
   + CVE-2019-2975 Unexpected exception in jjs.
   + CVE-2019-2978 Improved handling of jar files.
   + CVE-2019-2981 Better Path supports.
   + CVE-2019-2983 Better serial attributes.
   + CVE-2019-2987 Better rendering of native glyphs.
   + CVE-2019-2988 Better Graphics2D drawing.
   + CVE-2019-2989 Improve TLS connection support.
   + CVE-2019-2992 Enhance font glyph mapping.
   + CVE-2019-2999 Commentary on Javadoc comments.
   + CVE-2019-2894 Enhance ECDSA operations.
   + CVE-2019-2745 Improved ECC Implementation.
   + CVE-2019-2762 Exceptional throw cases.
   + CVE-2019-2766 Improve file protocol handling.
   + CVE-2019-2769 Better copies of CopiesList.
   + CVE-2019-2786 More limited privilege usage.
   + CVE-2019-7317 Improve PNG support options.
   + CVE-2019-2816 Normalize normalization.
   + CVE-2019-2842 Extended AES support.