Objective-C support in automake >= 1.6 is broken. When project contains *.m sources (Objective-C), automake wants OBJCDEPMOD variable to be defined. This variable can only be defined with _AM_DEPENDENCIES(OBJC) macro. This macro documented as "private macros you should not call directly" There is no any documented way to define OBJCDEPMOD. On the other side, where is gcj.m4 file, that defines AM_PROG_GCJ macro. This macro defines GCJ, GCJFLAGS and GCJDEPMOD variables.
Created attachment 400 [details] Objective-C compiles support via AM_PROG_OBJC (aclocal)
В Autoconf 2.59c появился макрос AC_PROG_OBJC. Наверное, добавлять AM_PROG_OBJC больше не нужно?
Видимо, так.