Default /etc/syslog-ng.conf has destination rule destination consoleall { file("/dev/tty12"); }; which causes warnings in syslog "Changing permissions on special file /dev/tty12" To avoid it, permissions on /dev/tty12 should be consistent with common for all /dev/tty* destination consoleall { file("/dev/tty12" owner(root) group(tty) perm(0620)); }; Tested version - syslog-ng-1.6.2-alt2 Steps to Reproduce: 1. Install syslog-ng with default config 2. Watch warnings in syslog Actual Results: Warnings "Changing permissions on special file /dev/tty12" in syslog Expected Results: No such warnings
O, I am sorry, I don't figure out the full picture. syslog-ng gives this warning every time at startup or when syslog-ng.conf accessed (even for reading) anyway. So you may feel free to close these bug, or still make changes in syslog-ng.conf to have same permissions for /dev/tty12 as for others. Or it was intentionally?
Судя по последней сборке, датированной апрелем 2004 -- пакету нужен другой майнтейнер. Бага странная (и с первого взгляда напоминает самодеятельность не слышавших про pam_console авторов), но раз предлагаете закрыть, то так и сделаю.