Bug 7367 - firefox 1.0.5 doesn't handle files using external programs (pdf)
Summary: firefox 1.0.5 doesn't handle files using external programs (pdf)
Alias: None
Product: Sisyphus
Classification: Development
Component: firefox (show other bugs)
Version: unstable
Hardware: all Linux
: P2 normal
Assignee: Alexey Gladkov
QA Contact: qa-sisyphus
Depends on:
Reported: 2005-07-14 22:20 MSD by Ivan Zakharyaschev
Modified: 2007-03-14 20:24 MSK (History)
4 users (show)

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Description Ivan Zakharyaschev 2005-07-14 22:20:48 MSD

After the installation of new firefox, handling files with special types (say,
pdf) does not work any more -- on the second invokation of firefox by a user.

There is no reaction if a link to such a file is clicked or if it is typed into
the URL field.

Steps to Reproduce:
0. (remove firefox and firfox personal configuration for a clean experiment)
1. apt-get install firefox
2. firefox a.pdf
3. firefox a.pdf
Actual Results:  
2. the first time it suggests to open a.pdf with xpdf or save it.
3. the second time -- no reaction.

Expected Results:  
it should suggest to call an external program or save it to disk. But no menu
Comment 1 Aaron McDonald 2005-07-17 07:18:35 MSD
This is firefox bug 298478 and it affects more than just pdf downloads. I can
confirm that the bug is fixed in the 20050711 firefox build. 
Comment 2 Aaron McDonald 2005-07-17 07:37:38 MSD
Looks like firefox-1.0.5-alt2.cvs includes the fix for mozilla/firefox bug 298478.

Comment 3 Ivan Zakharyaschev 2005-07-30 11:51:25 MSD
firefox-1.0.5-alt2.cvs works fine.