It might be reasonable to tighten the directory mode from 755 to 750 given that its group is "bacula" so unprivileged Bacula processes will still have the access but occasional user will not (even if a password-containing file permissions got loose). I've tested the proposed change on 5.0.2-alt1 and all of bacula-{dir,fd,sd} seem fine with this.
I can't remember why these permissons were used (occasionaly or something like web gui works wrong). I'll try to tighten the directory mode with upcoming 5.0.3 release.
Ah, web/tray/bat aren't there yet over here, might have missed it. Thanks!
bacula-5.0.3-alt1 -> sisyphus: * Thu Aug 19 2010 Vitaly Kuznetsov <vitty@altlinux> 5.0.3-alt1 - 5.0.3 - install bat help files (mike@, ALT #23858) - tightened permissions on /etc/bacula/ (ALT #23851)
thx :)