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5 bugs found | Edit Search | Change Columns |
ID Status Resolution Sev Product Comp Assignee Reporter Summary
10309 CLOS WONT nor Sisyphus mod_ruby nobody swi в x86_64 в mod_ruby.conf должно быть lib64
2903 CLOS WONT min Sisyphus mod_ruby rider mike need Requires(post,preun): apache ?
1733 CLOS WONT enh Sisyphus mod_ruby rider mike mod_ruby lacks docs from *.rd
1809 CLOS FIXE blo Sisyphus mod_ruby rider legion mod_ruby uninstall problem
1955 CLOS DUPL min Sisyphus mod_ruby rider mike mod_ruby package has incorrect scriptlet

File a new bug in the "mod_ruby" component of the "Sisyphus" product